Better Together.
Partnership for a Healthy Durham
Celebrating 20 Years of Collaboration
The mission of the Partnership for a Healthy Durham is to collaboratively improve the health and well-being of its community,
and those who live in it, using racial equity principles.
2023 Community Health Assessment
Durham County's Health Priorities
Durham County's top 5 health priorities chosen by Durham residents
for the 2023 Community Health Assessment process are:
#1 Affordable Housing
Affordable housing was the #1 priority identified in the 2023 Durham Community Health Assessment. The most common reason for having difficulty finding housing was affordability followed by the commute being too far.
#2 Access to Healthcare and Health Insurance
Many Durham County residents (42.8%) said they visited a healthcare provider within the last 12 months followed by 2-4 weeks ago (25.6%).
#3 Community Safety and Well-Being
Neighborhood violence was a primary cause of stress for 12.2% of respondents. Participants named violent crime (18%), theft (4.7%), and gang activity (4.2%) when asked what has the greatest impact on quality of life.
#4 Mental Health
Financial stress was the most common reason for stress followed by work (30%) and personal relationships. Many people listed other reasons for stress including political environment and the social wellbeing of society.
#5 Physical Activity, Nutrition and Food Access
Most participants reported walking as their primary form of exercise followed by lifting weights and gardening. These are the same top three forms of exercise as in 2019.
Our vision is for all people of Durham to have an equitable opportunity and ability to enjoy safety and good physical, mental & social health.
Durham County Community Healthy Improvement Plans (CHIPs)
Access to Care
Uninsured and underinsured people in Durham County have access to quality healthcare coverage and have an established primary
care home equipped to address health-related social needs.
- Increase healthcare and health insurance access.
- Advocate for a community health worker (CHW) workforce that has benefits and fair wages.
- Improve healthcare and health insurance literacy.
To learn more about the Access to Care Health Improvement Plan and committee meetings click here.
The members of the Partnership, along with stakeholders and residents in Durham County, recognize the significance of health and wellbeing. They have access to clear and inclusive communication resources and are well-informed about the priorities of the Partnership.
- Share health-related information with partner organizations as well as Durham Community members in an equitable way.
- Equip Durham community members with the health information they need to achieve the health outcomes they desire.
- Improve communications strategies within Partnership committees to ensure that activities, goals, and priorities are being communicated.
To learn more about the Communications Health Improvement Plan and committee meetings click here.
Health and Housing
All residents of Durham County, particularly those who are experiencing disadvantage due to rising costs and a lack of high-quality affordable housing, live in safe, accessible homes and in communities that support their health and well-being throughout their lifespans.
- Individuals have safe and adequate housing (free from interior hazards) that supports their health and wellbeing.
- Advocate for health promoting housing policies and procedures.
- Strengthen the network of those providing housing resources to promote safe and adequate housing for people who live in Durham.
To learn more about the Health and Housing Improvement Plan and committee meetings click here.
Mental Health
All people in Durham County have access to quality, culturally affirming and affordable mental health services and social emotional support.
- Increase access points for mental health supports and social-emotional supports.
- Reduce the stigma that exists around behavioral health.
- Advocate for policy changes and create tools for navigating the current mental health system.
To learn more about the Mental Health Improvement Plan and committee meetings click here.
Physical Activity, Nutrition and Food Access
In Durham County, all people, particularly those who are historically marginalized or at or below median income level have equitable access to affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food, and safe and accessible environments for physical activity.
- Increase fruit and vegetable consumption in youth.
- Increase percentage of Durham County residents, across all demographics, who meet CDC’s physical activity guidelines.
- Strengthen and increase the connections between food resources, organizations and community members.
To learn more about the Physical Activity, Nutrition and Food Access (PANFA) Health Improvement Plan and committee meetings click here.
Recent Durham County Health Data
2023 Durham County Community Health Assessment
Health Data Archives
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Better Together
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