History and Background
The Partnership for a Healthy Durham is a coalition of agencies, organizations, community members, and leaders. It had been part of the Healthy Carolinians program and a work group of Durham City and County's Results-Based Accountability (RBA) or Imagine Durham initiative.

The Durham County Department of Public Health took over the Healthy Carolinians program from a private organization in 2004. At the same time, the Durham Board of County Commissioners and City Council were joining to create the "Healthy Everybody" goals of the RBA initiative. Since the Healthy Everybody workgroup's efforts had the support of governmental officials and the same agenda as Healthy Carolinians, a merger of the two groups became the plan for the restructured Durham County Healthy Carolinians program. Other members from community organizations, agencies and neighborhoods were also invited to join the group. When the official meetings of the new coalition began, they adopted the name, Partnership for a Healthy Durham.
There are currently more than 200 active members involved in the Partnership for a Healthy Durham.