Mental Health Committee

Description and Activities

As of July 2018, the committee decided to focus on mental health rather than substance use disorder and mental health. The Mental Health committee seeks to increase public awareness of mental illness and access to mental health services.

All Mental Health committee meetings are open to the public. Starting in May 2020, all committee meetings are held via Zoom. For Zoom meeting information or to join the committee, email one of the co-chairs below or contact Bria Miller, the Partnership Coordinator, at or 919-560-7833.

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Find out what the committee will address in its 2022-2024 Mental Health Committee Community Health Improvement Plans

Leadership and Membership

Current committee co-chairs are:

Mental Health Resource Brochure

Mental Health Brochure Image Mental Health Committee


The Mental Health committee meets on the third Thursday of the month from 1:00-2:00 pm. All committee meetings are open to the public. Partnership committee meetings have been held virtually using the Zoom platform since May 2020. Visit the Partnership calendar to view committee meeting dates, times and Zoom links.


January minutes 

February no meeting

March agenda minutes

April agenda minutes

May agenda minutes

June agenda minutes

July agenda minutes

August agenda minutes

September agenda minutes

October agenda minutes

November No meeting


January agenda minutes 

February agenda minutes 

March agenda minutes

April agenda minutes

May agenda minutes

June agenda minutes

July agenda minutes

August agenda minutes

September agenda minutes

October agenda minutes

November agenda minutes

December agenda minutes


January agenda minutes

February minutes

March agenda minutes

April agenda minutes

May no meeting

June agenda minutes

July no meeting

August agenda minutes

September agenda minutes

October agenda minutes

November agenda minutes

December no meeting


January agenda  minutes

February agenda minutes

Past Committee Accomplishments

  • Developed a mental health resources brochure available in English and Spanish.
  • Working with the Gun Safety Team, provision of evidence-based gun safety and suicide prevention training to youth
  • Baseline study of substance abuse in Durham County
  • Organizing the Recovery Celebration for five years
  • Screening of Brushes with Life at the Carolina Theater  Local filmmaker Philip Brubaker has created a documentary exploring the UNC Brushes with Life project and its themes of mental illness, creation, and hope. View the trailer of Brushes with Life. Read more about the UNC Schizophrenia Treatment and Evaluation Program (STEP), which hosts the Brushes with Life patient art gallery
  • Community Mental Health Fair for Durham County residents to learn about and access community resources, including those around mental health, substance abuse, housing, social services, job training, and financial planning.
  • Made a financial contribution to the Threshold Wall of Hope mural

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