Leadership and Committees

Slide1 Leadership and Committees

The Partnership for a Healthy Durham consists of four committees, each focusing on a different set of health priorities, and led by co-chairs. In 2015, the Partnership added a communications committee made of Partnership members and communications professionals. The purpose of the communications committee is to improve internal communications, external communications and branding of the Partnership.

Most committees meet monthly, and they each determine their own action plan, meeting schedule, leadership, and activities. The entire Partnership is invited to a meeting quarterly, which is an opportunity for networking, committee updates, and learning about community issues.

Leadership and Steering Committee

The current Steering Committee includes the committee chairs, the Partnership Co-Chairs, the Partnership coordinator, and the Director of the Durham County Department of Public Health.

For more information on the Steering committee and to read minutes from the meetings, visit the Steering committee page.


The Partnership for a Healthy Durham currently benefits from the active participation of over 225 members, and dozens of organizations. The committees of the Partnership are eager to involve anyone who is interested in improving the health of Durham communities.

  1. Access to Care - Angel Romero Ruiz and Shelisa Howard-Martinez
  2. Communications- Angel Romero Ruiz and Katie Lipe
  3. Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Food Access- Kat Combs and Scott Brummel 
  4. Health and Housing- Charlene Reiss and Charlene Harris 
  5. Mental Health -Valon Alford and Raven Brooks 
  6. Systemic Equity Action Team- Najla McClain 

For more information about events, meetings, and activities, please contact Bria Miller at the Durham County Department of Public Health at (919) 560-7833 or see our calendar.

Partnership Committee Co-Chair Job Description
Partnership Overall Co-Chair Job Description

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