Health and Housing Committee

Description and Activities
Affordable housing was the #1 priority identified in the 2017 Community Health Assessment. As a result, the Partnership voted in April 2018 to create a Housing committee. After conversations with Durham housing stakeholders, the Partnership identified a gap in the area of health and housing. The committee began meeting in August 2018.
The Health and Housing committee has completed its Health and Housing Committee Community Health Improvement Plan. Over the next three years, the committee will:
- Obtain, maintain, synthesize high quality data
- Ensure NCCare360 has information it needs related to housing
- Elevate conversation about how important affordable housing in for health
All Health and Housing committee meetings are open to the public. Partnership committee meetings have been held virtually using the Zoom platform since May 2020. Visit the Partnership calendar to view committee meeting dates, times and Zoom links.
Leadership and Membership
Current committee chairs are:
- James Davis
- Charlene Reiss
Resources for Healthy Housing
- January agenda minutes
- February agenda minutes
- March agenda minutes
- April agenda minutes
- May agenda minutes
- June agenda minutes
- July agenda minutes
- August agenda minutes
- September agenda minutes
- October agenda minutes
- November agenda minutes