Durham Health Data Archives

This section provides earlier State of the County Health reports, Community Health Assessments, and editions of Partnership publications.

State of the County's Health Reports

Community Health Assessments

  • 2017 Community Health Assessment Report & Executive Summaries
    The goal of the 2017 Community Health Assessment (CHA) is to provide a comprehensive compilation of valid and reliable information about the health of the Durham community.  The CHA process is led by the Partnership for a Healthy Durham, Durham County Department of Public Health and Duke Health. the 2017 report includes 14 chapters with 48 sections on various community health topics. Ninety-five writers from our community partners contributed to the report. If you don't have time to read the full report, the 2017 CHA Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish.
  • 2017 Community Health Assessment Listening Session Summaries
    The results from each priority (access to care, affordable housing, poverty, mental health, obesity, diabetes and food access)  is summarized in PowerPoint slides.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey

2015 YRBS Report

Durham YRBS 2015 Report FINAL_Page_01The 2015 YRBS Report details the results of the survey administered to Durham Public School middle and high school students in 2015. The goal of this survey is to assess health risk behaviors that can contribute to injury and leading causes of death among the adolescent population.

The results of the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) of middle and high school students in Durham Public Schools are have been analyzed. A report (with both middle and high school data) and a data report containing all results are available.

2013 YRBS Report       2013 YRBS Middle School data tables    2013 YRBS High School data tables

  • Results from prior years are also available

2011 YRBS High School Brief       2011 YRBS Middle School Brief         2011 YRBS full report

2009 YRBS High School Brief       2009 YRBS Middle School Brief         2009 YRBS Full Report

2007 YRBS Full Report

Infographics on Top Health Priorities


Access to Healthcare and Insurance FINAL Page 1 Durham Health Data ArchivesAffordable Housing in Durham County FINAL Page 1 Durham Health Data ArchivesObesity Diabetes Food Access FINAL Page 1 Durham Health Data ArchivesMental health in Durham County FINAL Page 1 Durham Health Data ArchivesPoverty in Durham County FINAL Page 1 Durham Health Data Archives



Substance Use and Abuse in Durham County

  • These reports are produced by the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University, with sponsorship in 2013 by Durham Together for Resilient Youth.

2013 report                2010 report              2006 report

Young Children's Health Age 0-5

Durham's Partnership for Children has released Healthy & Ready: Assessing Children's Health Status Upon Public School Entry, which summarizes data from the Kindergarten Health Assessment forms.  In 2009, they released Getting Ready: Indicators of Health in Durham County. A Report Card on Young Children’s Health and Getting Ready: Indicators of School Readiness in Durham County.

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