Better Together.

Partnership for a Healthy Durham

The Partnership for a Healthy Durham is a coalition of local organizations and community members with the goal of collaboratively improving the physical, mental, and social health and well-being of Durham’s residents using racial equity principles.
Partnership for a Healthy Durham

Celebrating 20 Years of Collaboration

Priorities Home


Durham Health Priorities

Each Durham County Community Health Assessment results in the selection of health priorities. The Top 5 health priorities chosen in the 2023 Community Health Assessment process were:

Interested in Helping Your Community?

You can help by joining one of the committees!

different committees

Health and Housing Committee

Affordable housing was the #1 priority identified in the 2017 Community Health Assessment.
different committees

Access to Care Committee

Advocating for changes that will affect health care coverage for residents across all ages of the continuum.

Mental Health Committee

Seeks to increase public awareness of mental illness and access to mental health services.
Healthy Mile trail

Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Food Access Committee

Provide a community-based approach to address the growing problem of overweight and obesity, factors that contribute to the development and complications associated with many chronic illnesses.
different committees

Communications Committee

Improve the Partnership’s external communications, internal communications and branding.
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Our Top Durham County Health Initiatives

Our vision is for all people of Durham to have an equitable opportunity
and ability to enjoy safety and
good physical, mental and social health.

different committees
Access to Healthcare and Health Insurance
different committees
Affordable Housing
Healthy Durham Photo
Mental Health
DCo Community Garden LR 0275 1 Home
Physical Activity, Nutrition and Food Access
Healthy Durham Photo
Community Safety and Well-Being

Thank You to Our Community Partners!

DCoDPH logo Home
Food Shuttle
Alliance health logo
NC Cooperative Extension
Duke Health Logo
DPR logo e1720203369413 Home
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What's Next with The Partnership for a Healthy Durham?

See Our Calendar of Events

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Healthy Durham Family

Better Together

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