Double Bucks


Grocers on Wheels was awarded $5000 to increase access to healthy foods in Durham communities. The Double Bucks program provides Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients with a dollar-for-dollar match up to $10 for healthy foods.

This initiative focused on residents who lived in JFK Towers, JJ Henderson and Forest Hills Heights communities. Grocers on Wheels visited each site monthly to provide residents with the opportunity to purchase fresh local fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meat.

During the July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Culture of Health Prize mini-grant period, the following was achieved:

  • Sold approximately 1429 lbs of meats dairy and produce.
  • Served 232 individuals.
  • Made 20 site visits to four locations (including Durham Center for Senior Life).

From Grocers on Wheels Staff:

"We found a common ground where seniors can meet and shop. Many of our customers could not figure out how to buy fresh produce in bulk and use it all before it perished.  The Durham County Department of Public Health Nutrition staff and volunteers helped teach participants how to use the items we sold. That allowed them to use produce in various ways before it went to waste."

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