Healthy Mile Trails

What is a Healthy Mile Trail?

Healthy Mile Trails are one-mile loops marked by the image of a walker in permanent yellow paint on neighborhood sidewalks. Some trails may have permanent green paint as we update the Healthy Mile Trail logo colors.

IMG 0558 scaled Healthy Mile Trails

The Partnership for a Healthy Durham first created these walking trails because residents identified their neighborhoods as the top places where they exercise in the 2014 and 2017 Community Health Assessments. These trails make it easier for Durham residents to reach the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity a day.

The first Healthy Mile Trail was created in 2012 in partnership with the  Historic Stokesdale community near the Lincoln Community Health Center. Since 2012, five other Healthy Mile Trails have been established near the Holton Career and Resource Center, McDougald Terrace, Old North Durham Park, Ridgefield neighborhood, unity Village Park, Northgate Park, Duke Park, Whippoorwill Park and Hillside Park.

Current Healthy Mile Trail partners include the American Heart Association, Bull City United, City of Durham, Durham County Department of Public Health, Durham Housing Authority, Durham Parks and Recreation, DCI, Historic Stokesdale Community, Keep Durham Beautiful, Lincoln Community Health Center and North Carolina Central University.

Existing Healthy Mile Trail Routes

How Do I Start a Healthy Mile Trail in My Neighborhood?

HMT Sign Healthy Mile TrailsRoute Requirements

A Healthy Mile Trail route must meet the following requirements:

  • The main criterion is the neighborhood must have sidewalks for a continuous mile loop since streets cannot be marked.
  • Be at least one mile loop
  • Have sidewalks the entire distance
  • Have streetlights
  • Have limited changes in elevation (to ensure it is accessible to the elderly, disabled and strollers)

Contact Partnership for a Healthy Durham Coordinator Bria Miller or call 919-560-7833 if you would like to learn more about creating a Healthy Mile Trail in your neighborhood.

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