Durham Knows

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Durham Knows is a public health campaign promoting the idea that everyone in Durham should know their HIV status.  If everyone in DURHAM age 15 to 65 KNOWS their HIV status, we can get life-saving treatment to the people who need it and this will help ALL live in a healthier, safer Durham.

Durham Knows is a joint project of the HIV/STI committee of the Partnership for a Healthy Durham and the Durham County Department of Public Health. Big thanks to our campaign partners- 2beatHIV, CAARE Inc., DukeHealth, El Centro Hispano, Lincoln Community Health Center, North Carolina Central University, Triangle Empowerment Center and UNC Center of Infectious Disease.

Free HIV/STI Testing Sites in Durham County                       Where To Get Free Condoms in Durham County

Durham HIV testing card Update FINAL PRINTING 03132018.pub Page 1 Durham Knows
Durham HIV testing card Update FINAL PRINTING 03132018.pub Page 2 Durham Knows

 Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)shutterstock_47817154 (002)

Persons at high risk for getting HIV (for example, partner of a person with HIV) now have the option of taking a pill once a day to greatly reduce their risk of becoming infected with the virus, in addition to using other preventive methods such as condoms.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a new tool for HIV prevention being promoted by the Durham County Department of Public Health and other local healthcare providers.

Durham County PrEP Clinics/Prescriptions

Durham County Department of Public Health- (919) 560-8819

Duke Health- (919) 620-5300

What can I do?

  • Find a testing location! Ask your doctor to get an HIV test or visit one of the testing locations listed on this page.
  • Get the HIV test! Then spread the word to others about why an HIV test is important!
  • Are you at high risk? Contact us for options for PrEP.

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